CSV to Markdown Table Generator

介紹一個CSV轉Markdown Table的工具與函式庫

因為寫作上需要,常常會有要撰寫Markdown Table的需求,這邊分享一下最近找到的一個函式庫 - CSV To Markdown Table

General Using

原先都是使用Markdown Tables Generator幫我產出Table後在一筆筆的放入資料,而今天介紹的CSV To Markdown Table則是可以幫我們直接將既有的CSV資料直接匯出markdown table格式,簡化我們的人工編輯時間.

Live Demo 可以簡單地看到我們可以將CSV貼入網站後轉出對應的markdown語法後我們就可以貼入文章內做使用.


Source Code and Library Reference



"use strict";

* Converts CSV to Markdown Table
* @param {string} csvContent - The string content of the CSV
* @param {string} delimiter - The character(s) to use as the CSV column delimiter
* @param {boolean} hasHeader - Whether to use the first row of Data as headers
* @returns {string}
function csvToMarkdown( csvContent, delimiter, hasHeader ) {
    if( delimiter != "\t" ) {
        csvContent = csvContent.replace(/\t/g, "    ");
    var columns = csvContent.split("\n");

    var tabularData = [];
    var maxRowLen = [];

    columns.forEach(function( e, i ) {
        if( typeof tabularData[i] == "undefined" ) {
            tabularData[i] = [];

        var row = e.split(delimiter);

        row.forEach(function( ee, ii ) {
            if( typeof maxRowLen[ii] == "undefined" ) {
                maxRowLen[ii] = 0;

            maxRowLen[ii] = Math.max(maxRowLen[ii], ee.length);
            tabularData[i][ii] = ee;

    var headerOutput = "";
    var seperatorOutput = "";

    maxRowLen.forEach(function( len ) {
        var spacer;
        spacer = Array(len + 1 + 2).join("-");
        seperatorOutput += "|" + spacer;

        spacer = Array(len + 1 + 2).join(" ");
        headerOutput += "|" + spacer;

    headerOutput += "| \n";
    seperatorOutput += "| \n";

    if( hasHeader ) {
        headerOutput = "";

    var rowOutput = "";
    var initHeader = true;
    tabularData.forEach(function( col ) {
        maxRowLen.forEach(function( len, y ) {
            var row = typeof col[y] == "undefined" ? "" : col[y];
            var spacing = Array((len - row.length) + 1).join(" ");

            if( hasHeader && initHeader ) {
                headerOutput += "| " + row + spacing + " ";
            } else {
                rowOutput += "| " + row + spacing + " ";

        if( hasHeader && initHeader ) {
            headerOutput += "| \n";
        } else {
            rowOutput += "| \n";

        initHeader = false;

    return headerOutput + seperatorOutput + rowOutput;

if(typeof module != "undefined") {
    module.exports = csvToMarkdown;
